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Using Your Voice.

October 1-3, 2024  |  K Bar S Lodge in Keystone, SD

October 1-3, 2024
K Bar S Lodge in Keystone, SD

As a Next Generation family business leader, you face a unique challenge. Positioned at the crossroads of your family’s legacy and your own future, you’ve been tasked with writing a sequel to your family’s business success story.

The theme for this year's Next Gen Retreat is "Using Your Voice." Next generation family business leaders will walk away will valuable insight into using their skills, talents, and passions in shaping the future of their family business. 


Led by sisters Katie Rucker and Jenny Dinnen of the Next Gen Collaborative, this event will help you with:

Family Business Dynamics

Understand and manage the unique dynamics of family businesses — from communication hurdles to fostering strong family relationships

Leadership & Communication Skills

Becoming adept at leading effectively and resolving conflicts constructively

Enterprise Roles & Responsibilities

Dive deep into the intricacies of being part of a family enterprise — gaining a deeper understanding of your own unique role and responsibilities

Peer Connections

Connect with peers navigating similar experiences — forming a lasting network of mentors and friends who understand your journey

Retreat Location

K Bar S Lodge
434 Old Hill City Rd
Keystone, SD 57751
Visit Website

Retreat Cost

$599 / person, PFBA member
$999 / person, non-member


All sessions will be held at K Bar S Lodge unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday, October 1

Welcome Reception

7:00 PM - Heavy Hors d'oeuvres

Wednesday, October 2

Day One

7:30 AM – Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM – Welcome & Kickoff
9:00 AM – Riddle Family Panel moderated by Meghan Lynch
9:30 AM – Break
9:45 AM – Your Voice, Your Vision: Leaning into Your Strengths for Legacy, Katie Rucker & Jenny Dinnen
11:00 AM – Break
11:15 AM – When to Use Trusts: Andrew Knutson, Thompson Law, PLLC
12:00 PM – Lunch & Table Discussions
1:00 PM – Break
1:15 PM – An Open Door to Better Communication: Melissa Mitchell-Blitch
2:45 PM – Roundtable Discussions
4:00 PM – Social at Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Heavy hor d'oeuvres | Ranger talk | Walking paths available

Thursday, October 3

Day Two

7:30 AM – Breakfast Buffet & Roundtables (optional)
8:30 AM – Team Trust Starts With You: Jude Rake
9:30 AM – How does a bank look at your family business?: Chase Bank
10:30 AM – Break
10:45 AM – Goal Setting with Katie & Jenny: Set 3-5 Individual & Family Goals
11:15 AM – Present Goals & Next Steps, Grab & Go Lunch Available
12:00 PM – Closing

Frequently Asked Questions

Business casual attire.

For the Mt. Rushmore social, you will want comfortable shoes.

The event will kickoff on the evening of Tuesday, October 1st with a welcome reception at K Bar S Lodge. We’d love to have you join us! If you are unable to be there that night, the programming will begin the following day (Wednesday, October 2nd) at 8:30AM. 

Arrive each day on time, prepared and ready to engage. Get adequate rest in advance of each day.

Cell phones are put away during sessions and as much as possible during the day. We understand you may have business to attend to during breaks or at the beginning or end of the day. If the business is not essential, consider taking break time to engage with fellow next gens. This is how you’ll get the most value out of the experience. Make connections that will last beyond the retreat.

On Tuesday, October 1:

  • There will be a kickoff welcome reception at K Bar S Lodge beginning at 7:00PM. Heavy appetizers will be served, and there will be a cash bar available.

On Wednesday, October 2:

  • A continental breakfast buffet will take place from 7:30-8:30AM.
  • Lunch will be served from 11:30am-12:30PM.
  • Heavy appetizers will be served at the Mt. Rushmore Social from 4:00-7:00PM.
  • Snacks, coffee, water, soda beverages will be available throughout the day.

On Thursday, October 3:

  • A continental breakfast buffet will take place from 7:30-8:30AM
  • Grab and go box lunches will be available for you to stay and enjoy or take on the road with you at 11:15AM.
  • Snacks, coffee, water, soda beverages will be available throughout the day.

Toward the end of the retreat, on Thursday late morning during the goal setting session, we ask you to join together with those from your family and business in attendance. Otherwise, you are welcome and encouraged to meet and sit among other next gens.

You can expect to meet next generation business owners and leaders from across the region. Some have been working in the business for several years, some are new to the business and some do not currently work for the business. A wide range of industries and business sizes will be represented, as is the case with most Prairie Family Business events.

Yes! You are welcomed and encouraged to reach out to speakers. Their contact information is in the program.

Program, handouts, pens, notebooks

We highly encourage you to have a family meeting following the Next Gen Retreat. Consider giving a presentation or providing a report to all members of your family and ownership as a follow up.

The Prairie Family Business Association team will schedule a follow up meeting with you within 90 days following the retreat.

Annual Family Business Conference held in Sioux Falls: April 30 – May 1, 2025

Live Case Study

Affinity Peer Groups

The Board Bootcamp

Family Business Retreat: August 2025

The next Next Gen Retreat: 2026

Featured Presentation

Team Trust Starts with You

Your ultimate success as a Next Gen family business leader will hinge heavily on your ability to bring out the best in others as a teammate and leader. As you take on increasing levels of responsibility, the success of your enterprise will likely depend on how well you serve on, build, and lead teams. The highest-performing teams are built on a foundation of trust. It’s easier said than done.

Jude Rake provides a scaffolded approach for emerging leaders to grow and force-multiply their influence beginning with self-knowledge. He then reveals how the highest-performing teams cultivate vulnerability, transparency and psychological safety as building blocks to achieve the team trust needed to achieve peak performance.

Featured Presentation

An Open Door to Better Communication

When you work with family, business is personal. Clear communication is essential. Sometimes the hardest part of communicating is knowing how to start. "Opening The New Front Door" is a framework to help you:

  • Increase your self-awareness
  • Better understand your experience
  • Establish common ground for dialogue
  • Communicate clearly and succinctly
  • Be specific about the response you are seeking
  • Gauge agreement on next steps

"Open The New Front Door" is a simple yet effective tool to help you prepare for and initiate dialogue - so you, your family, and its business may THRIVE. 

Who Should Attend?

This retreat is specifically designed for you if:

  • You're transitioning into ownership of the family business
  • You're not yet employed in the business but looking to get involved
  • You recently started working in the family business and are eager to learn
  • You're beginning the succession conversation or process
  • You're interested in developing essential skills like emotional intelligence, leadership, and business development

You’ll leave the retreat with actionable strategies and the confidence to write the next chapter in your family business story.

This retreat was an eye opener for the steps that I need to take as a next gen in our family business. We've all been sitting around waiting for our Dad (the founder) to keep pushing forward on a smooth transition, but I found out at the retreat that this is our responsibility."

– Ben Snyder, VIKOR, 2nd Generation

Watch the 2022 Retreat Recap Video

October 6-7, 2022 – Deadwood, SD


Over 60 Next Gen family business members came together from 27 businesses across five states. This was our largest attendance in our 31-year history!

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