Family Business Check-Up

How is your family business doing?

That question can be hard to answer sometimes. The business might be doing well, but the family may be struggling. How do we account for that?

At Prairie Family Business Association, we know what it takes to make a successful family business tick. We’ve put together the following checkup to help you determine how your family business is doing.

Family Business Check-Up

Answer the following questions on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the lowest/strongly disagree and 5 being the highest/strongly agree.

Step 1 of 4 - Family

1 - Strongly disagree2 - Disagree3 - Neutral4 - Agree5 - Strongly agree
We hold regular family meetings with a formal agenda and input from all members.
We have clear family values and a mission/vision statement that guides our decisions.
We resolve conflicts without harming family or business relationships.
The younger generation learns from and feels empowered by the older generation.
We separate business discussions from family gatherings.
Our family culture is intentional, with a designated Chief Emotional Officer.
Family dynamics don't influence management decisions.
There is family agreement on the use of profits.
Past conflicts are resolved without lingering resentment.
We communicate openly about sensitive issues.
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