Family Business Retreats

Spend a few days working "on your business" instead of "in your business."

Managing family expectations, working through conflict, increasing communication, and creating family unity can often be the biggest concerns for family business owners.

Understanding family business dynamics is vital. When your family faces personal emotions, unresolved past conflicts, or other family-related issues which impact your business, you need skills to address conflict before and as it arises. Our family business retreat will equip you with tools to help maintain family unity and cohesion.


Our three-day family business retreats are one of the most important strategies used to strengthen communication in your family-owned business. Typically held at world class lodge, the Paul Nelson Farm, our retreats feature nationally recognized consultants and educators through large group sessions and private family time with individual facilitators.

It is so easy to get in your "head" when it's time to face the hard realities of what your family business needs to stay sustainable in the future.

With the help of the PFBA moderators/facilitators they make it so comfortable and safe to take those ideas out of your head and lay them on the table. From there, a plan takes a solid form and moving forward becomes possible.

– 2023 Retreat Family Member

Retreat Benefits

Understand family business dynamics
Be better equipped to manage family business complexities
Gain tools and skills to maintain family unity & cohesion
Manage family expectations
Communication skills that resolve conflict constructively

"A Safe Space to Make a Difference and Make Progress in the Right Direction."

Spend two days away from the distractions of running a business, kids, work and just the busyness of life. At a family business retreat, your goals and challenges can be worked on with an experienced family-business facilitator as your guide to keep you on track and moving in the right direction. 

When I was asked to attend this retreat with my family, I was very reluctant. I was unsure what to expect and was scared that I was going to hear things that I did not want to.

Once we were put in a room together and the tougher questions were being addressed, I think we all sighed in relief to realize that we should have just taken the time to talk through things before and we would have come to the conclusion that we are all actually on the same page of why we are a family business and why we want to continue to be. It was extremely comforting to know that they are entrusting me to carry on the legacy of Baker Boy. I feel it brought us closer together as a family.

– Baker Boy Family Member

We often find that we need to get to another zip code to get away from day-to-day distractions.

This focused time at the Nelson Farm was invaluable for our family. It helped us set goals and gave us guidance for how to reach the goals. It also helped us see that at the heart of our business is family, and at the heart of our family is love for one another and if we can keep that in mind we can be successful.

– 2023 Retreat Family Member

Next Family Business Retreat: 2025 – Get added to the waitlist!

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