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Reptile Gardens

Posted in   |  July 4, 2014

In 2009, the Brockelsby family of Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, SD, was honored by being presented with the Tom Didier Excellence in Family Business Award for their contributions to the community, as well as their integrity and growth as a family business. The award is meant to exemplify the exceptional attributes of its namesake, Tom Didier, who was the epitome of entre­preneurial success and familial veracity.

This award – like other local and regional awards, as well as the heritage award – honors family businesses for their philanthropic values and pays recognition to their achievements in family business.

Reptile Gardens, a fifth generation owned and operated business, has celebrated many successes since their in­ception in 1937. Overcoming professional and personal hardships, being named in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “World’s Largest Reptile Zoo”, and com­pleting a successful ownership transition are just a few. But the Brockelsby family considers receiving the Tom Didier Award as one of the greatE?st honors they’ve ever received. NJt was good for us to review the history of our business together and put in writing just what ex­actly had allowed us to be successful. Also, it was a helpful exercise to specify our business’s goals and val­ues,” the family stated.

The Brockelsby family knows how complex the rela­tionships in a family business are, and how those re­lationships need to be maintained and nurtured for the business to be successful. “”Preserve family relation­ships, and do things socially as a family,” they affirmed. The Award and Tour program at the PFBA is the perfect opportunity to just that, and helps all family businesses celebrate the triumphs of one another.