From content to connection, 2024 brings year of support for family businesses
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This week’s Q&A features Transition Sponsor, The Event Company. As you think about the second half of summer and the approaching fall, perhaps it’s time to think about how you are taking care of those who make your business possible.
Question: “How do you steward your clients and business partners throughout the year and annually?”
Answer: How we steward our clients throughout the year is through various touch points including personalized notes, handwritten messages, inviting them to attend other events that our company is hosting as well as just simple coffee dates outside of talking about business. If they are featured in local publications or regional journals, we
also will share those details from our social media pages as well. Building and growing relationships with our clients is something that we pride ourselves on and it’s a team approach as well, no matter your role at The Event Company. -Addie Graham-Kramer, President/Event Designer, The Event Company.