From content to connection, 2024 brings year of support for family businesses
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He has filled stadiums as a speaker, written books such as “The Good Life Rules: 8 Keys to Being Your Best at Work and at Play,” and he’s coming to Sioux Falls.
Bryan Dodge, one of the nation’s most requested event speakers, has three decades of experience teaching and inspiring others to reach their full potential.
Dodge will be a featured speaker at the annual Prairie Family Business Association conference April 11 and 12 at the Hilton Garden Inn Downtown in Sioux Falls.
The core of his message often is this: “Life is too short not to be happy, and life is too long not to do well.”
We caught up with this exceptionally sought-after speaker for a preview of what he will share in Sioux Falls.
Your most recent book “The Principles of an Unstoppable Family Business: How Successful Family Businesses Think and Grow,” is a perfect read for family businesses. What are some topics you explore in it?
Understanding the circle of trust and what damage it can do if you lose it is a major theme. How to grow your sweet spot in the your family business is another. And then it looks at seven mistakes family businesses make when trying to grow their business, why family is good for business and several other themes:
- How to cultivate leadership within your family business the right way.
- The top destroyers of family business.
- The proven steps to build an unstoppable team.
What was your biggest surprise in working with family businesses to write the book? Was there something unexpected that you learned?
I was surprised by how consistent the problems were in each company. The problems seldom change, but the faces do. It was rewarding to see once changes were made the positive impact it had on strengthening the family structure and growing the business. I also was surprised how blinded family businesses had become because they were too close to the problem, how family issues can inhibit progress and how communication had broke down to a dangerous level. And I was pleasantly surprised by how rewarding life becomes when families win together.
You often discuss success habits of wealthy people. Could you share some of them?
Never walk alone. Surround yourself with the wisdom of wealth. Wealthy people also are consistently working on their personal development. Income seldom exceeds personal development. Study the philosophy of wealth versus poverty.
What will your talk focus on in Sioux Falls?
I’ll introduce the three biggest enemies holding back your ability to grow a business, as well as three laws of leadership all businesses should know.
Other themes will include:
- Coaching up instead of managing down.
- The formula for success.
- How to create loyalty within your team.
- How to recruit and retain good people.
- How to create chemistry within your team.
- How to keep priorities and prioritize.
What’s one key thing your audience will leave with that they can implement right away in their work or their life?
There will be many things, but within 48 hours of the event they will be able to grow the business and the family – strengthening the family foundation with my three favorite words: Bring Energy Home. They also will know how to beat the enemies that are holding their success back, both at work and at home.
To learn more and register for the Prairie Family Business Association annual conference, click here.