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Limoges Construction

Posted in   |  November 15, 2014

Deciding whether or not the family business will get passed down from one generation to the next can be one of the most crucial decisions ever made within the business. You have to decide if the next generation is the right fit, if they have the best interests in mind for the company, and if it’s something they even want to pursue.

The Next Gen Program at the Prairie Family Business Association is designed to help the next generation pre­pare and better understand what is entailed when taking on a larger role in the family business, as well as give them support and camaraderie from like-minded peers. Erica Limoges, second generation at Limoges Construc­tion in Sioux Falls, SD, was able to directly benefit from the program at a pivotal time in the business’s history. “At the time my family and I were just in the talking stages of LCl’s future so this program could not have come at a better time. I took away invaluable information and real life situations that I brought to my family and the management team to prepare for our future,” Erica stated.

Limoges Construction, Inc. began in 1998 when Eri­ca’s father, Nate, saw a need for quality concrete con­struction. Over the last 17 years, LCI has grown from its modest beginnings of five employees to up to 90 employ­ees during the busy season. With ?such large advance­ments in just a few years, transitioning was another huge hurdle to cross. Erica confirmed, “As a next gener­ation owner, I would say (truthfully) every hurdle feels major to me with where I am right now. From learn­ing about our business daily, gaining respect from col­leagues, customers, and what seems at times the entire construction industry, to steering my way through all of the challenges that come with working with family; every hurdle passed is an accomplishment.”

Erica’s experience at the 2013 Next Gen Retreat played a vital role in helping her find her footing as a next gen owner, and has given much-needed support ever since. “I met several others in the same situation as myself and the experiences and support we shared with one another affirmed confidence going into this sometimes frightening transition.”