As a Next Generation family business leader, you face a unique challenge. Positioned at the crossroads of your family’s legacy and your own future, you’ve been tasked with writing a sequel to your family’s business success story.
The theme for the 2024 Next Gen Retreat was "Using Your Voice." Next generation family business leaders walked away with valuable insights in using their skills, talents, and passions to shape the future of their family business.
Led by sisters Katie Rucker and Jenny Dinnen of the Next Gen Collaborative, this event helped attendees:
Featured Presentations

Team Trust Starts with You
Your ultimate success as a Next Gen family business leader will hinge heavily on your ability to bring out the best in others as a teammate and leader. As you take on increasing levels of responsibility, the success of your enterprise will likely depend on how well you serve on, build, and lead teams. The highest-performing teams are built on a foundation of trust. It’s easier said than done.
Jude Rake provides a scaffolded approach for emerging leaders to grow and force-multiply their influence beginning with self-knowledge. He then reveals how the highest-performing teams cultivate vulnerability, transparency and psychological safety as building blocks to achieve the team trust needed to achieve peak performance.
Jude is the founding principal of JDR Growth Partners, a consulting firm that helps family-owned businesses, private boards, chief executives, and their leadership teams achieve improved results and sustainable growth.

An Open Door to Better Communication
When you work with family, business is personal. Clear communication is essential. Sometimes the hardest part of communicating is knowing how to start. "Opening The New Front Door" is a framework to help you:
- Increase your self-awareness
- Better understand your experience
- Establish common ground for dialogue
- Communicate clearly and succinctly
- Be specific about the response you are seeking
- Gauge agreement on next steps
"Open The New Front Door" is a simple yet effective tool to help you prepare for and initiate dialogue - so you, your family, and its business may THRIVE.
Melissa Mitchell-Blitch is an author, family business consultant and wealth coach for Eredita Consulting, a firm that focuses on the "people side" of family business and wealth.
All sessions will be held at K Bar S Lodge unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, October 1
Welcome Reception
7:00 PM - Heavy Hors d'oeuvres
Wednesday, October 2
Day One
7:30 AM – Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM – Welcome & Kickoff
9:00 AM – Riddle Family Panel moderated by Meghan Lynch
9:30 AM – Break
9:45 AM – Your Voice, Your Vision: Leaning into Your Strengths for Legacy, Katie Rucker & Jenny Dinnen
11:00 AM – Break
11:15 AM – When to Use Trusts: Andrew Knutson, Thompson Law, PLLC
12:00 PM – Lunch & Table Discussions
1:00 PM – Break
1:15 PM – An Open Door to Better Communication: Melissa Mitchell-Blitch
2:45 PM – Roundtable Discussions
4:00 PM – Social at Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Heavy hor d'oeuvres | Ranger talk | Walking paths available
Thursday, October 3
Day Two
7:30 AM – Breakfast Buffet & Roundtables (optional)
8:30 AM – Team Trust Starts With You: Jude Rake
9:30 AM – How does a bank look at your family business?: Chase Bank
10:30 AM – Break
10:45 AM – Goal Setting with Katie & Jenny: Set 3-5 Individual & Family Goals
11:15 AM – Present Goals & Next Steps, Grab & Go Lunch Available
12:00 PM – Closing