Thursday, April 27 – Day 1
8:15am – 7:30pm CDT
8:15 AM – Welcome
Stephanie Larscheid, Executive Director · Interim Dean Mark Yockey, USD Beacom School of Business
From Panic to Power: How to Boost Pricing for Higher Profits
Do you price from fear or from confidence? Do you price to win business or do you price not to lose? Even with a perfect pricing strategy, margins still shrink in the face of out-of-control discounting and fear-based pricing.
The biggest obstacle to pricing success isn’t competition, customers, insufficient business knowledge, lack of strategy, or lack of sophisticated cost and pricing analysis. It’s a set of self-limiting beliefs, habits, and behaviors that sabotage pricing success.
In this fast-paced, engaging presentation, Casey will demystify the real causes of underpricing to launch you onto a path to improve pricing and dramatically increase profits.
9:45–10:15 AM – Break
Gauging the Risks Going Forward: 2023-24
The US and global economies are going through turbulent times, with inflation, interest rates, consumer activity, labor shortage, market gyrations, COVID-Echoes, war, and simplistic and often contradictory headlines potentially making it difficult to discern what the future will look like. It may seem impossible to effectively plan for a prosperous future given all the noise and misdirection. That is where ITR Economics comes in.
ITR Economics provides a data-driven analysis of the trends. No emotions or histrionics or political agenda. The trends will combine to show what to expect for key industries and areas of interest to the attendees.
- Big Picture: ITR’s forecast of the general economy (and specific markets if applicable) through the second half of 2023 and 2024 with analysis of risks to the forecast
- What to expect for commodity prices and inflation in general
- How interest rate trends may change and what that means for businesses
- The consumer’s financial health and why it matters
- What is going on with shortening supply chain trends
- Why industrial demand is likely to outperform in key areas
- What is happening in labor
- How to create wealth in these market conditions
- How to protect profits in these market conditions
11:15–1:00 PM – Lunch and Awards Program
Heritage Award · Vicki Clarke Family Business of the Year Award · Chief Promoter Award
The Sweet Spot of Transition Success
Navigating siblings partnerships, non-family executives and an independent board while thriving for more than a century.
1:45–2:00 PM – Break
2:00–2:45 PM – Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Join Devin Blackburn, Head of J.P. Morgan Executive Compensation, and Zach Hammond, Executive Director – J.P. Morgan Private Business Advisory, as they host a timely discussion centered around executive compensation for both family and non-family executives.
How to Lead, Manage, and Create Accountability on Your Team
Imagine if everyone in your company was rowing in the same direction, towards achieving your VISION. Successful companies have employees who are productive, engaged, and happy. And it starts at the TOP!! First, you need to drive accountability and get people to manage each other, and that all starts with trust.
In this session, we will share with you the 5 Leadership and 5 Management Practices that will help you become a great leader. We'll show you a process and give you some simple tools that will improve your communication skills, create clear expectations and help you deal with common “people issues.”
2:45–3:00 PM – Break
3:00–3:45 PM – Afternoon Breakout Sessions II
How a Facilitator Can Help Your Family Break Through
Family businesses aren’t like traditional businesses in many ways—ways that often lead to stagnation or feelings of being stuck. But this can be detrimental to progress. Sometimes an outside facilitator is exactly what’s needed.
Join Agatha Johnson and WillKate clients, Mike and Katrin from P&M Steel, to discuss:
- How to structure your family meetings (with and without a facilitator.)
- The ins-and-outs of attending and/or hosting a family retreat.
- Working with spouses and other family members to take meaningful steps toward the future.
Join us for lessons from this real-life story.
Dr. Tom Epperson will lead an interactive presentation where we’ll explore how to develop Board members so that they are prepared to effectively help facilitate transitions, clarify issues, assure proper management planning, foster sharing of information, and provide stability and continuity in times of change.
3:45–4:00 PM – Break
As a member of Bravo Company of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, Sgt. Keni Thomas was deployed to Mogadishu Somalia as part of a special operations package called Tasked Force Ranger. Their mission was to find and capture a criminal warlod named Mohammed Farrah Aideed. Outnumbered 10 to 1, the men of TFR distinguished themselves in an 18-hour fire fight that would later be recounted in the highly successful book and movie Blackhawk Down. 19 Americans died and 78 were wounded.
Keni got out of the Army to pursue his music career and now works full time as an award-winning Nashville recording artist. His band Cornbread was featured in the movie Sweet Home Alabama and regularly tours with the USO to perform for our military personnel serving in the Middle East. As an entertainer, Keni has been recognized by congress, the White House, and was recently inducted into the VFW Hall of Fame for his dedicated work on behalf of our veterans and military families.
Keni is also very proud to be a national spokesperson for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation which provides college educations to the children of our special operations personnel killed in combat or training.
Keni is a graduate of the University of Florida, a recipient of the America Patriot Award and the Bronze Star for Valor.
5:00–5:45 PM – Break
5:45–7:45 PM – Taste of Family Business
A social networking evening that includes a sampling of food and wine from family businesses from around the region.
Friday, April 28 – Day 2
7:30am – 12:00pm CDT
7:30–8:15 AM – Roundtables
To be announced closer to conference
Extraordinary Workplaces: How to Use Employee Engagement as the #1 Strategy for Company Growth
Company Culture has become a matter of choice and a top priority for most organizations. You can actively shape your culture or let it emerge organically. We will identify and provide best practices by companies that have made employee engagement a top priority for growth. Ken shares stories of 25+ of his clients and member companies that have won “Top 100 or Best Places to Work” in their respective states. Participants will learn how top performing companies continue to take bold engagement actions across 9 imperatives, in three dimensions of 1) Who we are, 2) How we operate and 3) How we grow.
10:15–10:30 AM – Break
10:30–11:15 AM – Breakout Sessions
Numbers are important when transitioning your family-owned business. There are many financial aspects to consider including the structure of the transition, the endless tax implications and how to fund the transition. Voting shares vs. non-voting shares, sale vs. gifting and seller, bank or company financed funding – the list goes on.
Learn about the many implications of succession planning.
Would you if you could? (Include Charitable Strategies)
- If it did not disinherit your heirs
- If it increased your cash flow
- If it reduced or eliminated estate taxes
- If it allowed you to take cash out of your company tax free
You can control how you give your support.
11:15 – Closing Remarks
Sign-up will be posted for a family meeting guided by a facilitator for both in-person and virtual attendees.